About fostering

Why foster?
Fostering is a big commitment and a deeply rewarding experience. Fostering offers a child or young person a safe and caring environment while they are unable to live with their own family.

What is fostering?
Children come into care for many different reasons. Sometimes it is because of a parent's short-term illness or a temporary problem within the family that requires the children to have alternative care.

Can I foster?
Children and young people need foster carers from all backgrounds with a wide range of life experience, skills and qualities. It doesn't matter what your religion or cultural background is, whether you're single, married, in a civil partnership, a homeowner or renting, your ability to care for and nurture a child or young person is what matters.

Types of Fostering
There are different types of foster care, from an overnight stay, a short-break or something more long-term, but they all provide a home and a safe space where children can grow.